Prep & Landing is ABC‘s first television special produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The half-hour holiday special reveals the never-before-told tale of an elite unit of Elves known as Prep & Landing. Based on characters created by Chris Williams (Bolt) and produced by John Lasseter the mini animated film tells the story of the North Pole Christmas Eve Command Center
where Magee and disgruntled elf Wayne with eager young recruit Lanny are set to prepare and coordinate Santa’s arrival to the houses of the whole world on Christmas eve.
In 2007 ABC co-produced a similar special with DreamWorks starring Shrek, and ABC’s Vicki Dumme is hoping Prep & Landing will have the same success of “Shrek the Halls“. Prep & Landing debuts on ABC on December 1st at 8:30 pm local time.
Click HERE for the official Prep & Landing home page where you can see lots of preview clips.
Commenti di Mario John