Here’s another single cover from the “Walt Disney Originals” series released by the Pickwick label in the UK in the late 70’s. There were 25 different singles released, with 6 songs from Disney movies on each record. This is the first single in the series #1 – Never Smile At A Crocodile and shows the Disney characters featured in the record on a lovely pink background. Click on image below to enlarge.
Walt Disney Originals from Pickwick – Disc #1
Mario John
Esperto Disneyano e collezionista di tutto ciò che è Disney collectable, dai dischi e libri vintage ai moderni Funko Pop e Q-posket, passando per tazze, porcellane e ceramiche varie, recensisce, mette in ordine e disordine la sua collezione sulle pagine di questo blog.

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