In the late 90’s French author Pierre Lambert has amazed Disney fans with his unique hardcover book masterpieces about Snow White, Pinocchio and Mickey Mouse. Originally published in French by Démons et Merveilles these oversize volumes containing hundreds of behind the scenes quality illustrations and often previously unreleased sketches about the film are now out of print and very seached after by collectors worldwide.
Pierre Lambert will be back this year with a brand new book in the series (still oversized, still in French), this time devoted to the last film put together by Walt himself: The Jungle Book.
“Le Livre De La Jungle” will be released this coming October 2009 in France by Éditions de La Martinière and will contain, as the previous tomes, interviews with artists on the original animation team and the results of extensive researches inside the Disney Archives. And here’s a preview of the cover courtesy of Éditions de La Martinière. Click on image to enlarge.
Thanks to Francis at Éditions de La Martinière
Commenti di Mario John